Monday, February 3, 2014

The Reason Behind the Title...

People have many, many times throughout my life asked me what my name is.  To this I reply, "Just plain Abby."  This is normally followed by snorts and giggle fits and laughter, as there tends to be nothing "plain" about this girl.  Those who don't know me sort of buy it, and that, to me, is the funny part.

>>Here's a funny story, and as they will all be, this one is true:  My dad came one day to eat lunch with me, not long after my "shriend" Miranda came into my job picture.  (Another story for another day is in that last sentence, too.)  Miranda, being Miranda, and having manners about her, told my dad that he had a very sweet daughter.  *this is where you need to know I am the oldest of his FOUR daughters*  Dad promptly snorted, pointed at me, and said, which one are you talking about, because it's not *this* one!!!!!  I don't recall Miranda's reaction, but I bet in her head, she was going, "Yeah, buddy, you got *that* right!!!"  Because I wasn't nice to her when she started....but that's the other story.<<

Nothing "plain" or "normal" ever happens to me.  This can be confirmed by my family and friends, who will proclaim loudly, "There is NO WAY you could make that up!!!  I believe you!!!!"  Yeah.  That is me.  Sometimes these things are amusing, sometimes they are even funny, but normally, even if they are funny or amusing or otherwise, they are *all* astounding.  True story.

On to the word "story".  I have learned a habit I have.  I've already said the word up there ^^^ without intention.  It is saying, "Let me tell you a story..." or "Oh, I have a story about that...."  When I taught, the kids always were amused by my stories, and would often times ask me to tell them one.   I most always obliged...and tried to share the moral or lesson learned to go with the story of the day...or hour...

Stay tuned for a day in the life of "JustPlainAbby"...

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